Dried Flower Bouquet

Dried Flower Bouquet


All of our dried flower bouquets are thoughtfully handmade in the shop, using dried flowers from local flower farms. When you order dried flowers from us, you are supporting our local Central Oregon growers and receiving real flowers that will look beautiful for months to come! 

Dried floral arrangements are perfect for any occasion. Send them as a thank you, for birthdays or anniversaries, or just because. 

All of our dried flower bouquets are thoughtfully wrapped in tissue and tied with a velvet ribbon. Dried flower delivery is available Tuesday through Saturday in Bend - just select delivery at checkout. You can also stop by the flower shop to pick up your order during our regular business hours.

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Dried Flower Bouquet FAQs

  • We do a mixture of both - our team preserves florals in our Bend flower shop & receives dried florals from local flower farms in Central Oregon.

  • Yes, like all of our florals, our dried flower bouquets are seasonal!

  • We prepare our dried flower bouquets in tissue & velvet ribbon. When arranging your dried florals at home, feel free to use the vase size(s) that fit your style best!

  • Our friends at Casa De Stela have a lovely selection of handmade, ceramic vases that would be a lovely permanent display for a dried floral bouquet. Come peruse the selection in the shop in Bend!

  • We currently only have premade bouquets of dried flowers available. Feel free to stop by the flower shop in Bend during our normal business hours to view our current selection.

  • As long as you take care of your dried flower bouquet, these are a lovely semi-permanent/long-term decor item! Please see care details below.

  • In order to get the most out of your dried flower bouquet, avoid placing dried flowers in direct sunlight or humid areas (e.g. heating vents, outside, etc.) which will shorten their lifespan. Otherwise, semi-regular dusting will keep your dried flower bouquet looking fresh & beautiful!

Have more questions about our dried florals? Send us a message to let us know how we can help.

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Hand-Tied Bouquet (Pick-Up Only) Handtied flower bouquet - winter - from Flowers by Eryn in Bend

Hand-Tied Bouquet (Pick-Up Only)

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