child holding seasonal stems - flowers by eryn in Bend, Oregon

arrangements for your home, business & intimate gatherings


contact flowers by eryn
635 NW Colorado, Bend, OR 97703
(next to Palette Coffee and Project Bike)

We are thrilled to share that as of February 1st, we have taken over the entire shop at 635 NW Colorado. This allows us more space to create florals, build community, expand our event offerings, and share our own merchandise offerings. Come by and check us out—-we’d love to say hello!

Shop hours: Tuesday - Thursday: 11am-5pm // Friday: 9am - 5pm // Saturday: 9am - 3pm // Closed Sunday & Monday

General Inquiries :: Please fill in the form below

Phone number (optional)
Let us know what you're interested in:
How would you like to be contacted?
How did you hear about us?

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.”

-Oscar Wilde