about eryn: your local florist in bend

eryn, owner & florist in Bend at flowers by eryn


~Frank Deford

I consider myself lucky that I have always been able to find happiness and beauty in the everyday—a favorite mug that fits just right in my hand and makes my coffee taste oh-so good; the peaceful elegance of a candle lit on my kitchen table even when the house is a mess; my kids, in an uncommon moment of grace, playing quietly and kindly with one another. Beauty can be found everywhere in our day-to-day existence, and if you are paying attention, it is awesome.

Looking back, I have always had a passion to make everyday life feel beautiful and full of joy. As a little girl, I would spend countless hours redecorating my room in an endless quest for the perfect design and flow. I would set my family’s dining room table for a regular Tuesday night meal with cherished family antiques of china, silver, stemware and linens (thank goodness I have very supportive and patient parents!). And I was repeatedly drawn to create flower arrangements for myself… just because I wanted something pretty on my bedside table. 

I carried this passion with me as time went on. A cornerstone of my 15-year career as an event planner and volunteer organizer was my ability to weave beauty and delight into ordinary spaces—creating experiences that inspired people to wrap themselves in the moment, and enjoy each other's company. After I became a mother, I sought a new outlet for my creativity—I wanted to share my talent with others, and I wanted to make it the focus of a new career. And, thus,  a seed was planted to create a flower design business.  

Flowers are my inspiration to bring the extraordinary into the ordinary of every day. I delight in the fact that I now spend my daily life visioning, sourcing, and creating flower designs that I hope bring small tokens of happy and beauty into people’s days and life.


That’s just a little about me, and my inspiration. I would love to hear from you and be able to provide a little beauty in your every day life through my flower designs.